It is very important you read the following information before downloading. Download link at the bottom of this page.

• Built from Beini 1.2.2
• Updated Firmware.tcz
• Updated RTL8187L driver
• Added BCM43XX-3.0.21.tcz driver
• Updated compat wireless 2012-04-23
• Updated minidwep-gtk-30419.tcz (thanks to djyuziXiaopanOS and
• Added reaver-r113.tcz
• Added support for Realtek 8712, 8188, 8191SU,8188C, 8192C, 8192D
• Upgraded feedingbottle to 3.2.3
• Upgraded Xorg to 7.6 
• Added Inflator (Reaver GUI)
• Upgraded WPA_supplicant.tcz

• Users of RTL8188RU devices should not use this build unless they blacklist conflicting drivers at boot. Please use Beini 1.2.3 or 1.2.4 | Reaver Edition instead.

• Minidwep must be launched from the RootShell. Type minidwep-gtk (enter) to launch it. 

• To launch Feeding Bottle use sudo "gksu /bin/feedingbottle/feedingbottle" which is located in /bin/feedingbottle/feedingbottle which you can access through Xfe file manager.

• As always, if it does not work try another version. 

• This will be the final version. Development ceases with 1.2.5. Use XiaopanOS from now on.

New Minidwep must be launched from RootShell
Inflator working with monitor mode with RTL8187L device

You can add and perform a dictionary wordlist attack for WPA / WPA2 networks. You can also run Reaver from this version.

Download Beini 1.2.5

Lirik Lagu OSt Pada Suatu Cinta Dahulu

Lirik Lagu OSt Pada Suatu Cinta Dahulu

Teringat kisah pada suatu cinta dulu 
saat remaja telah lama berlalu 
Ku tulis surat untukmu 
dan ku nyanyikan kau lagu rindu 
berdoa agar kau tahu 
Rahsia isi hatiku 
Ohh.. ohh

Suka duka kita lalui bersama 
Gelak tawa lukiskan kenangan indah 
teman mesra kekal untuk selamanya 
takkan bisa 
Reda pada suatu cinta dahulu

Tiba masanya untuk bangun dari mimpi 
Masa remaja tak lagi di sini 
semuanya hanya memori 
Yang tersimpan jauh dalam hati 
Bagaikan warna pelangi 
Menghias hidupku ini

Suka duka kita lalui bersama 
gelak tawa lukiskan kenangan indah 
teman mesra kekal untuk selamanya 
takkan bisa 
reda pada suatu cinta dahulu.

Penyanyi : Terrence Law 
Komposer : Syed Iskandar Bin Syed Idrus 
Lirik : Mohd Yusoff Bin Mohd Ariff 

How to improve quality of Facebook cover image

How to improve quality of Facebook cover image

Facebook allows you to add cover image on your timeline profile. But more often that image is compressed to low quality by Facebook making it to look a bit weird.
You definitely didn’t like this.
Just follow these 3 points while designing cover image for your profile,
  1. Your uploaded image must be of exactly 851 x 315px size. If it gets bigger than this, it’ll appear more or less blurred.
  2. The image size must be less than 100kb. If it goes above it, Facebook compress it and hence the quality deteriorates. Its upto you to develop high quality image below 100kb.
  3. Next and the most important point is that the image must be in JPEG/JPG format.The PNG format might give you the best quality but you can get high quality JPEG image using Photoshop or other image editing software. When image of any other format is uploaded, it’ll be automatically converted to JPEG and hence there is loss of quality.


Control GOOGLE All about 


GOOGLE DORKS  : (Use Google Efficiently)
Welcome back guys,

Do you know how to use google ? Sounds a silly question because even children can easily use google search engine. But the thing is that how efficiently we can make use of google. Google dorks are nothing but simple search operators that are used to refine our search.

Tired of seeking things? But couldn’t able to make understand Google to what you are exactly looking for? No problem! From today after reading this post you’ll able to control Google .
At first let me tell you, for any kind of hacking activity you’ll need help of Google. For that we’ll always keep a good relation with Google. Surely, to hack some websites or anything, you need to gather information about your victim as far as you can and the best way to get info about your victim is searching in

Unfortunately most of us don’t know how to get the actual thing that you want from google. Well, no problem!! After reading this article you will be  more smart than others.

Google dorking is the way to query google  in a way that would retrieve what you really want from Google. For example you want to search for a presentation about some book and you know the author name? If you simply put the query Presentation author name you would get millions of result which will place you to no where and you will end up asking your fellows to give you the presentation” isn’t it? Whereas the nice way to search for the presentation would be to ask the search engine what actually you want?
Let us say you want to search a hacking book author Kevin Mitnick.
A query like “intext:hacking inurl:kevin mitnick filetype:ppt”
Would retrieve all the hacking books that would be hacking related and the url would have Kevin Mitnick in it. Nice, isn’t it ? 

The way to explore things via search engine is the way you perceive things like wise let us say you are sitting in a class room and you have a cruel looking teacher telling you that
“Guys, I wrote this article myself , you can’t find it anywhere. So, study now or later  you’ll understand what you missed.”

Now all you have to do is to write down what is written in the presentation as-it-is
Note 3 to 4 lines down come back to home and ask Google!
Now that you have noted what was written in the presentation you know the file format.
Fire up the query in google search and you would surely get a result
What next. ? We normally mingle around webs like apniisp and tons of other webs in search of songs to download they usually provide low quality audio.
For me its different I ask google .

Let us say I want to download Eminiem songs I would query google with something like this-Eminiem intitle:”index.of” “parent directory” “size” “last modified” “description” [snd] (mp4|mp3|avi|flac|aac|ape|ogg) -inurl:(jsp|php|html|aspx|htm|cf|shtml|lyrics-realm|mp3-collection)
and guess what it will give me up with the entire album sometimes.. cool isn’t it  ?
So it saved my effort of registering and all the crap.
There is a good guide available about advance operators reference of google here.
So Start getting out most from the beautiful search engine “Google”. From the world of internet.

Let us take some examples: search engine optimization
·         If you want to search in urls of various websites :
             inurl: search engine optimization
·         If you want to search in text :
             intext: search engine optimization
·         If you want to search a particular site :
             search engine optimization site:
·         If you want to search in forums :
             inforum: search engine optimization

Inserting double quotes before and after the keyword searches for the whole keyword instead of searching for different words.
If you search for search engine optimization then it searches for any page which has all these words in any order or anywhere so the search volume is too large. But if you insert double quotes and search the following query
“search engine optimization” then it only shows the result which has this keyword.
I will keep posting some new dorks soon.

Don’t be a silent reader. Give us feedback that how we are doing and feel free to ask anything that you don’t get .

Kaedah Untuk Hack dan Crack Internet Download Manager Secara Manual

Kaedah Untuk Hack dan Crack Internet Download Manager Secara Manual

Salam semua..entry ni adalah entry yang ke 5 pada hari ini..Mr.Hac terpaksa post dengan banyak sebab minggu depan agak sibuk untuk Mr.Hac. Oleh itu, entry ni Mr.Hac dedikasikan untuk semua followers dan para pembaca sekalian..

Masalah yang sering kita hadapi apabila menggunakan Internet Download Manager (IDM) yang crack ialah server check yang kerapkali mengganggu..biarpun kita sudah menggunakan PATCH dan CRACK yang paling baru untuk 'membunuh' server check ini, namun kadangkala ia tidak memberikan kesan..IDM sudah melakukan banyak pembaharuan dan penambahbaikan untuk ciri-ciri keselamatan perisiannya..

Kaedah Hack/Crack IDM Secara Manual:

1. Muat turun perisian IDM versi trial di laman pembangunnya iaitu ---> Internet Download Manager
(Nak update pun boleh)

2. Klik pada Registration dan masukkan semua maklumat yang diperlukan. pada tetingkap registration, ia akan meminta maklumat seperti --> Name, Last Name, Email Address & Serial Key

3. Setelah mengisi maklumat seperti nama, e-mel, selepas itu masukkan serial key. Sila masukkan serial key di bawah (salah satu).


klik Ok untuk melengkapkan Registration.

4. Selepas kesemua langkah ini, akan muncul tetingkap lain yang menyatakan IDM telah didaftarkan dengan serial key yang palsu dan ia akan 'exit' dengan sendiri..ini diakibatkan oleh SERVER CHECK yang telah dapat mengesan dalam IDM terdapat serial key yang tidak ada di dalam data base pelanggan-pelanggan IDM.

5. Di sinilah kita memulakan langkah untuk mematikan server check IDM..

Pergi kepada Start > Run... > taipkan

notepad %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

Nota: Untuk pengguna Windows 7, korang tidak akan dapat 'save' hosts file..melainkan korang sudah disable sistem 'Run As Administrator'..

Oleh itu, pergi ke drive C:/ > Windows > System32 > Drivers > Etc > dalam folder ini korang akan jumpa host file tersebut.

6. Klik kanan pada fail hosts, dan klik pada Properties. Pergi kepada tab Security dan pergi kepada akaun admin. korang akan nampak 'button' edit. klik pada button edit dan tandakan 'Allow' pada semua kotak bahagian 'Allow' untuk memberikan 'Full Access' sistem kepada korang.

7. Klik pada fail hosts. buka dengan menggunakan notepad. satu fail akan keluar seperti gambar di bawah:

Kemudian, salin dan tampal (copy and paste) code di bawah pada fail hosts tadi (seperti dalam gambar di atas)

Selepas menambahkan code di atas, save fail notepad tadi.

Setelah itu, buka kembali IDM korang yang dah 'exit' selepas merajuk bila dimasukkan serial number yang palsu..ajaibnya (ajaib ke Mr.Hac?), IDM korang tak merajuk lagi dah! hehehe..

yang paling menarik, kalau korang nak upgrade lain kali, hanya perlu muat turun perisian IDM versi trial dari laman pembangunnya, dan apabila korang install IDM, ia merajuk kembali dan minta dimasukkan serial number, korang hanya perlu masukkan sahaja salah satu daripada serial number di atas tadi dan, wal-lah! IDM akan Full Version..ia akan sentiasa Full Version untuk setiap kali korang upgrade..

Ni bukti IDM Mr.Hac yang dah Full Version dengan kaedah ni:

Nota: nak update, memang dah tak boleh langsung..korang nak bukak laman web IDM pun tak boleh sebab dah di-disablekan oleh code tadi..sebagai jalan penyelesaian untuk update IDM, korang buka laman pembangun IDM, nanti korang akan diminta untuk masuk melalui cached copy. masuk melalui situ ok? dah masuk, apa lagi..sedut la!

Suka tak? kalau suka, kasik komen aaaaaa...

Ganas! Pelajar Belasah Ketua Tingkatan Bertubi-tubi (SMK Tun Hussein Onn, Seberang Jaya, Pulau Pinang. )

Ganas! Pelajar Belasah Ketua Tingkatan Bertubi-tubi

Mohon sebarkan video ini supara pelajar yang terlibat dapat diberkas polis dan sebagai pengajaran kepada pelajar lain.

Menurut sumber, sekolah yang terlibat adalah SMK Tun Hussein Onn, Seberang Jaya, Pulau Pinang.
Kemaskini; Video sudah sampai ke tangan PDRM

Kemaskini; Maklumat salah seorang pelajar di dalam video
BBPIN : 2A9E01F1

Kepada mangsa, jangan risau kerana bukti sudah ada dan tunggu saat pengadilan. Andai kata anda memaafkan mereka, tetapi mereka tetap bersalah dari segi undang-undang.