Host a Website on Google Drive

Google-DriveLast month, Mark showed us how to use Google Drive to host a continuously-updating archive of a Twitter account. Doing so means taking advantage of a new Google Drive feature, “site publishing.”
Now, maybe I just hadn’t had enough coffee when I was working on implementing “site publishing,” but it seems to me that the instructions provided by Google are not as helpful as they could be. It’s actually pretty easy, so I put together what may be an excessively detailed, step-by-step guide for under-caffeinated people like me. (This guide assumes you already have some HTML content you’d like to publish. And, as always, be mindful of the stability and security–or lack thereof–in the cloud. )
1. Log in to your Google Drive account
2. Select "Create > Folder"
3. Name the new folder whatever you like
4. Select the checkbox next to the new folder
5. Click the "Sharing settings" icon
6. Click "Change"
7. Make your folder "Public on the web"
8. Click on your new folder’s title
9. Your new, public folder is empty
10. Click the upload "Files" icon
11. Select an index.html file from your hard drive and click "Upload and share"
Two important things to take note of:
  • If you do not start with anindex.htmlfile, then visitors to your site will see a directory listing of all of the files in that particular folder, rather than your beautifully designed home page.
  • Do not let Google Drive convert your HTML files into native GoogleDocs files. Adjust your settings appropriately.
12. Your new folder now has a home page
You still need to figure out what the web address for your new site is. The next two steps involve a simple bit of copying and pasting.
  • As the owner of the account, you can access (and edit) your files via
  • The visitors to your site, however, will use a different domain:
13. Copy the string of characters after "#folders"
14. Paste that string into the address bar after ""
Ta-dah! Now you have the beginnings of a web site hosted on Google Drive. 

Handling Unicode Front To Back In A Web App

Understanding encoding is all fine and good, but there are many gotchas involved in actually building a complex system consisting of many moving parts that uses anything but ASCII characters. This article shows how to get a PHP web application with a MySQL database set up to handle UTF-8 data front to back and explains common pitfalls.


We'll assume an application that needs to accept input of and output text containing any imaginable character currently supported by computers. For testing purposes, we'll use this block of text:
A good day, World!
Schönen Tag, Welt!
Une bonne journée, tout le monde!
يوم جيد، العالم
좋은 일, 세계!
Một ngày tốt lành, thế giới!
Please do not quote me on the accuracy of these Google translations, but it'll suffice for our testing purposes. If the text ever appears any different at any stage in your app, you have an encoding problem somewhere. Make sure you are actually testing your app with non-ASCII, non-Latin characters. Even a string containing "funny squiggles" found in European languages may not accurately show you whether you are correctly using Unicode; only text that contains characters from all over the Unicode table will.
The goal is to hardcode this text in an HTML/PHP file and have it display correctly in the browser. Further, we want to allow a user to input this text in a form, save it in a MySQL database, retrieve it again from the database and display it back on the page. The text should be stored correctly in the database, so when looking at the database content in a database admin utility or when searching for content, it will be displayed and found correctly.

Basic Concept

Handling encodings correctly within one system is not hard. Problems usually arise when exchanging data between two different systems. In our application, there will be two such interfaces between systems:
  • PHP to browser/browser to PHP
  • PHP to MySQL/MySQL to PHP
Text is exchanged as binary data behind the scenes. This series of bits and bytes may represent anything at all; what exactly it represents depends on the encoding it was created with and which it is interpreted with. Since the text itself does not specify what it was encoded with, this information needs to be transported as meta information between different systems.

Part 1: The Browser

To specify to the browser what kind of content you are giving it, there's the HTTP Content-Type header:
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
text/html is the standard MIME type for HTML pages, the additional charset= directive informs the browser which character encoding it should expect the document to be in. If this was set toapplication/xhtml+xml instead, the browser would fire up its strict XML parser and try to parse the page as X(HT)ML. If it was set to application/pdf, it would try to render the page as a PDF document and so on.
There are also the HTML meta tags
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
and its newer HTML5 version
<meta charset="utf-8" />
These tags are only fallbacks though which are only used when no HTTP Content-Type header was encountered (the wording "http-equiv" hints at this). It's also conceptually weird, since these tags are inside the document itself and the browser needs to read the document first in order to figure out what kind of document it's dealing with.
…confused pause…
So, the web server should always emit an HTTP header specifying the site's type and encoding. This can be configured in the web server itself, or it can be done using PHP by using header somewhere at the start of the application, before any content has been output:
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');


So the browser knows how to interpret data that your web server sends to it. How should the web server know how to interpret data sent to it by the browser? The default behavior is that the browser will reply to the server in the same encoding that the server sent content to it. So by setting the above Content-Type header, you're pretty much already set to receive UTF-8 encoded data from the browser. To make this really explicit, you can set the accept-charset attribute on forms:
<form action="action.php" accept-charset="utf-8">
These two declaration together make it explicit to the browser in which encoding to communicate with the server. The client may also send an HTTP Content-Type header of its own, denoting the type of data and encoding that it sent to the server; this value can be found in the $_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'] variable. For form submissions this usually is application/x-www-form-urlencoded without charset attribute. This actually represents a problem, since the encoding to be used for application/x-www-form-urlencodeddata is practically undefined. Therefore, if a browser does not heed the accept-charset form attribute and sends data in some other encoding of its choosing without specifying the used encoding in the Content-Typeheader, all bets are off. The good news is that all browsers you will encounter in practice today are behaving properly in this respect.

Part 2: The Database

When connecting to the database, there's an implicit or explicit connection encoding. That means any textual data you send over this connection, the database will interpret in that encoding and any textual data you receive from the database will be encoded in that encoding. This is the main gotcha many people seem to miss when trying to store UTF-8 text in a database. But let's start from the beginning:
CREATE TABLE `texts` (
  `id` INT(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `content` TEXT,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
This creates a table with a default character set of UTF-8. This does not actually mean anything yet, since the encoding is specific per text column. Any column that does not explicitly specify an encoding will be set to thisDEFAULT CHARSET. Consider this:
CREATE TABLE `texts` (
  `id` INT(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `text` TEXT CHARACTER SET latin1,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
The actual column that stores the text is set to the latin1 character set. So any text that is stored in it will be stored in the latin1 encoding. This means this column can't store anything but the 256 characters defined in the latin1 encoding (a.k.a. ISO-8859-1 a.k.a. CP1252). The first thing then is to make sure that either all defaults are set to use utf8, or that at least the individual columns are set to it.
Note: The database server has a default character set, a database can have a default character set, a database tablecan have a default character set and finally the column has a character set setting. The rule is simple: if no explicit character set is specified for a column, the next higher default is used for it. The server, database and table defaults all have no influence whatsoever if the column has an explicit character set.
The next thing many people seem to be confused about is the collation setting. This simply refers to the rules governing character comparison. For example, it specifies how entries are sorted when ordering them alphabetically. It also specifies whether some characters should be regarded as identical when searching text, like whether a search for "matinee" should also match "matinée". Most collation settings also come in normal and _civariations, where _ci stands for case insensitive. Which collation to choose hence depends on what the column is supposed to be used for. For a column that stores user names, you probably want to be very strict and use thebinary (_bin) collation for your chosen character set, which only matches if two strings are identical. If you want to conduct freeform text searches on your database, you'll want to go with something more lenient to get more flexible search results.
So, the collation setting does not have anything to do with character or encoding support, it only relates to your ability to search for data. This setting can also be overridden on a per-query basis, so it does not actually have any permanent effect on how the data is stored.1

The Connection

Now here we are at the crux of the matter, something that seems to cause a lot of problem because it's a hardly visible setting: the connection encoding. Let's connect to the server:
$pdo = new PDO('mysql:dbname=encoding_test;host=localhost', 'user', 'pass');

// or maybe:

$con = mysql_connect('localhost', 'user', 'pass');
mysql_select_db('encoding_test', $con);
OK now, when querying data from the database, what encoding will it be returned in? When sending data to the database, what encoding should it be in? The answer is: it depends. On the server and client settings, that is. You can read the in-depth explanation of what influences what in the MySQL documentation. The upshot of it is that in practice it often defaults to latin1. So when sending data encoded in UTF-8 to a database expecting Latin-1 encoded data, the database will misinterpret the received data and convert it to something else. Even with the database, the table, the column and all collation defaults set to UTF-8, you still won't be able to properly store UTF-8 data in it, because the connection defaults to latin1.
The easiest and most reliable way to handle this is on the application level. How exactly depends on how exactly you connect to the database, but these are the most common ways:
$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=encoding_test;charset=utf8', 'user', 'pass');

// or, before PHP 5.3.6:

$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=encoding_test', 'user', 'pass',
                array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8'));

// or:

$con = mysql_connect('localhost', 'user', 'pass');
mysql_select_db('encoding_test', $con);
mysql_set_charset('utf8', $con);
The first method specifies the charset to use in the connection string. Note that this only works since PHP 5.3.6. The second method makes sure that the SQL query SET NAMES utf8 is run after connecting to the database, which sets the necessary connection settings on the database server. The third method more or less does the same for the older mysql client (which you shouldn't use anymore, really).

What Happens If You Don't SET NAMES Utf8

Here's the convoluted path your data will take if you leave the connection encoding set to latin1:
  • say we have this byte sequence:
    C3AB C3B1 63 C3B8 64 C3AE 6E 67
    which represents the text "ëñcødîng" encoded in UTF-8 (multi-byte character bytes grouped for emphasis)
  • we connect to the database, leaving the connection setting defaulting to latin1
  • we issue a query like INSERT INTO table_name (column_name) VALUES ("ëñcødîng")
  • the database expects Latin-1 encoded text and interprets the byte sequence for the word "ëñcødîng" in Latin-1, which turns out to represent these characters:
    INSERT INTO table_name (column_name) VALUES ("«±c¸d®ng")
  • the column encoding setting is set to utf8, so the database converts the "Latin-1 encoded" data it received to UTF-8, storing the bytes
    C382 C2AB C382 C2B1 63 C382 C2B8 64 C382 C2AE 6E 67
    representing the text "«±c¸d®ng" in UTF-8
    (MySQL's actual storage of UTF-8 may actually be more inefficient than that, but this will do for the sake of argument)
  • we query the data again using SELECT * FROM table_name
  • the connection encoding is still set to latin1, so the database will grab the UTF-8 encoded text and convert it to latin1 for us, returning the byte sequence
    C3 AB C3 B1 63 C3 B8 64 C3 AE 6E 67
    representing the text "«±c¸d®ng" encoded in Latin-1
  • the client, oblivious to all of this, expects UTF-8 encoded data and interprets the bytes in UTF-8, which happens to evaluate to the text "ëñcødîng"
Therefore, you may have a transparent round-trip of UTF-8 data through the database, but the data is actually stored incorrectly in the database. This is important if the database is supposed to do anything with the text, like conduct searches on it, index it or even manipulate it. It also causes problems if you eventually do connect to the database using the correct encoding, since you'll then figure out that all your stored data is actually garbage. There should be no encoding conversion at any point along the chain browser → PHP → database → PHP → browser.

The Test

You can test if everything is working properly with this simple test application:

ini_set('display_errors', true);

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');

$pdo = new PDO('mysql:dbname=encoding_test;host=localhost', 'user', 'pass',
               array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8'));

if (!empty($_POST['text'])) {
    $stmt = $pdo->prepare('INSERT INTO `texts` (`text`) VALUES (:text)');
    $stmt->execute(array('text' => $_POST['text']));

$results = $pdo->query('SELECT * FROM `texts`')->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>UTF-8 encoding test</title>

<h1>Display test</h1>

A good day, World!<br>
Schönen Tag, Welt!<br>
Une bonne journée, tout le monde!<br>
يوم جيد، العالم<br>
좋은 일, 세계!<br>
Một ngày tốt lành, thế giới!<br>

<h1>Submission test</h1>

<form action="" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8">
    <textarea name="text"></textarea>
    <input type="submit" value="Submit">

<?php if (!empty($_POST['text'])) : ?>
    <h2>Last received data</h2>
    <pre><?php echo htmlspecialchars($_POST['text'], ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?></pre>
<?php endif; ?>

<h1>Output test</h1>

    <?php foreach ($results as $result) : ?>
            <pre><?php echo htmlspecialchars($result['text'], ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?></pre>
    <?php endforeach; ?>

Copy and paste this into a .php file, edit the database connection settings as necessary, create the database as shown above, make sure to save the file as UTF-8 and open it in your browser. Feel free to input any data into the form or copy and paste the text from the display test for a good test sample.
The expected result should be something like this:
expected result
This tests the following often encountered problems:
  • Is the text editor saving the source code as UTF-8? If not, the display test will screw up.
  • Is the browser submitting data as UTF-8? If not, the "last received data" will screw up.
  • Is the round-trip to the database working properly? If not, the output test will screw up.
You should additionally use your favorite database administration tool to look at the data as it's stored in the database.

TERGEMPARRR !!! Untuk pertama kalinya setelah ratusan tahun, Salji turun di Vietnam hari ini....!!!

TERGEMPARRR !!! Untuk pertama kalinya setelah ratusan tahun, Salji turun di Vietnam hari ini....!!! 

Dilaporkan, beberapa daerah di Laos, Vietnam dan juga Selatan China telah mula dibasahi hujan salji. Beberapa lokasi di sekitar Provinsi Lao-Chai dan Ha Giang, Vietnam telah dipenuhi salji tebal. 

Ia telah mengakibatkan kesesakan lalulintas kerana rakyat tidak menyangka bahawa salji akan turun disitu pada tahun ini. Masihkah kita ingat tentang Hadis Baginda Nabi SAWAW yang telah diriwayatkan oleh banyak rawi? Mafhumnya... "Akan datang kepada kalian kelak satu kaum yang mana di dalam kaum itu ada seorang pemimpin bergelar Al-Mahdi.

Sesungguhnya tatkala kalian mendengarkannya, wajiblah datang kepadanya walaupun terpaksa merangkak di atas salji." Hadis Hasan dengan rawi mutawatir.

Apakah tidak lama lagi Malaysia juga akan merasai nikmat (atau bala? peringatan?) salji ini?? Adakah salji juga akan turun di negara kita dan Indonesia tak lama lagi?? Jika ya, maka ketahuilah.... mungkin-mungkin itu petanda datangnya Al-Mahdi buat zaman ini. 

Allahumma Amiin... Labbaika Ya Mahdi....  Sebarkan info ini nescaya ia bermanfaat buat semua umat Islam !


How to unlock modem?

Online Unlock Key Generator

1. Go to this site.

2. Select your modem Huawei/ZTE
3. Insert modem IMEI number. Then, Click Calculator.


4. Save the Unlock code number and Flash code
5. Insert your new sim (another sim that want to use) into modem and plug to your PC/Laptop.

Then Just enter the unlock code you have received earlier into the pop-up .

6. Enjoy your new internet provider.

Cara menggunakan PowerPoint 2010 Transisi untuk efek maksimum

PowerPoint 2010 memiliki berbagai fitur canggih yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat presentasi lebih profesional, lebih menarik dan dinamis. Satu set besar slide PowerPoint dapat menambahkan bahwa sesuatu yang ekstra untuk presentasi Anda yang bisa menutup penjualan, terkesan dukungan manajer atau keuntungan untuk proyek hewan peliharaan. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan presentasi Anda adalah dengan menambahkan transisi antara slide.

Satu hal penting yang perlu diperhatikan sebelum Anda mulai. Transisi ada untuk membantu Anda lebih baik menyajikan pesan yang Anda miliki untuk penonton. Bila Anda memilih transisi, cobalah untuk tetap sederhana dan tidak menggunakan lebih dari dua transisi seluruh presentasi. Salah satu transisi untuk sebagian besar slide Anda dan yang kedua untuk setiap slide yang memerlukan penekanan khusus, jika tidak memerlukan penekanan khusus kemudian tetap menggunakan hanya satu transisi. Mari kita lihat bagaimana untuk menambahkan transisi.

Menambahkan Transisi
Sebelum Anda mulai menambahkan transisi, Anda perlu menentukan transisi sesuai dengan gaya Anda dan pesan Anda mencoba untuk memberikan. Setelah Anda melakukan ini, pilih slide pertama yang Anda ingin menerapkan transisi dan kemudian klik pada tab Transitions.

Secara default, tab Transisi akan menampilkan transisi yang paling umum digunakan. Pilih transisi yang Anda ingin menerapkan ke slide Anda, jika ini tidak sesuai dengan tujuan Anda, Anda dapat melihat galeri efek transisi dengan mengklik pada tombol More, yang merupakan panah kecil ditampilkan dalam warna ungu pada gambar di atas. Galeri transisi dipisahkan menjadi tiga kategori, SubtleExciting, dan Dynamic Content.

 Dari tiga kategori, transisi Dynamic Content adalah efek transisi baru di PowerPoint 2010 dan PowerPoint 2011 untuk Mac Apple. Perbedaan antara transisi Konten Dinamis dan kategori Subtle dan Exciting adalah bahwa transisi Dynamic Content terjadi hanya pada isi slide tidak pada setiap latar belakang.
Lakukan percobaan dengan pilihan untuk arah dan waktu karena beberapa presentasi tampak hebat dapat dibuat dengan menggunakan transisi Dynamic Content - namun mereka tidak akan bekerja dengan baik pada slide yang tidak memiliki judul latar belakang dan warna apapun.
Tip: Ingatlah bahwa Anda dapat melihat transisi dengan Live Preview atau hover mouse Anda ke setiap item dalam galeri.

Tergantung pada transisi yang dipilih, Anda mungkin dapat menggunakan Effect Optionsuntuk mengubah cara di mana transisi bekerja. Efek yang tersedia akan bervariasi dari tidak ada efek ke delapan efek yang berbeda tergantung pada transisi yang Anda pilih.

Transition Timing Group
Pada pita Transition, Anda akan melihat sebuah kelompok ke kanan disebut kelompokTiming. Kelompok ini berisi kumpulan tombol perintah yang melakukan lebih dari sekedar mengontrol kapan dan berapa lama transisi akan mengambil.

Meskipun pilihan waktu tidak selalu diperlukan, seperti waktu untuk animasi, pengaturan dapat membantu presenter tetap dalam waktu berbicara yang diberikan mereka. Kelompok Timing berisi tombol untuk suara, Durasi, Terapkan untuk Semua, dan Slide Advance. Mari kita lihat pilihan yang tersedia dan bagaimana mereka dapat meningkatkan presentasi.

Meskipun tidak sering digunakan, suara dapat ditambahkan ketika satu slide transisi yang lain. Suara yang dipilih bisa menjadi sinyal pendengaran besar untuk seorang presenter untuk bergerak dan mulai berbicara tentang item dalam slide berikutnya, terutama jika dia / dia tidak melihat presentasi. Suara dapat ditambahkan ke transisi dengan memilih salah satu opsi dari menu drop down menu Sound.

Tip: Jika Anda tidak merasa salah satu PowerPoint suara terdaftar sesuai, Anda dapat menggunakan suara lain pada hard disk Anda, dengan mengklik pilihan suara lainnya di dekat bagian bawah daftar suara.

Tombol Duration memungkinkan Anda untuk menentukan berapa lama transisi akan mengambil. Biasanya waktu default adalah lebih dari cukup. Jika Anda ingin mengubah waktunya mencoba untuk tidak menerapkan lebih dari dua detik. Misalnya, berdurasi sepuluh detik untuk transisi akan sangat membosankan untuk menonton.

Switch Advance Slide memungkinkan Anda untuk menentukan kapan dan bagaimana satu slide akan transisi ke yang berikutnya. On Mouse Click, yang merupakan pilihan default, memungkinkan presenter untuk beralih ke slide berikutnya dengan mengklik mouse mereka. Tombol After akan memunculkan slide berikutnya setelah durasi tertentu.

Tip: Kecuali waktu presentasi yang ketat atau Anda membuat presentasi slide otomatis, yang terbaik adalah meninggalkan default On Mouse Click. Hal ini memungkinkan presenter untuk menerima dan menangani pertanyaan penonton tanpa dipaksa buru-buru ke slide berikutnya atau harus kembali ke slide sebelumnya.

Opsi terakhir dalam kelompok Timing adalah tombol Apply to All. Tombol ini adalah penghemat waktu yang tepat karena memungkinkan Anda untuk menyalin semua pilihan transisi dibuat pada slide untuk setiap slide lainnya di dek. Untuk presentasi dengan empat atau lima slide ini mungkin tidak terdengar seperti masalah besar, namun jika Anda memiliki dua puluh atau lebih slide, mencoba untuk mengatur transisi pada setiap slide dapat menjadi tugas nyata. Selain itu, tombol Apply to All memungkinkan Anda untuk memastikan bahwa dek geser seluruh konsisten.

Tips untuk Menggunakan Transisi
Jika Anda menggunakan tombol Apply to All, Anda masih bisa mengubah slide individu sesudahnya.

Itu selalu layak menggunakan tombol Transition Preview setiap kali perubahan dibuat untuk transisi, misalnya ketika efek khusus yang dibuat untuk transisi, transisi suara ditambahkan atau waktu otomatis diatur - hanya untuk memeriksa bahwa transisi bekerja dengan cara membantu untuk kedua penonton dan presenter.

Transisi membantu memberikan kehidupan dan mengalir ke PowerPoint, namun hindari penggunaan transisi yang berbeda terlalu banyak dalam satu presentasi. Stick dengan salah satu jenis transisi atau paling banyak dua transisi, jika presentasi akan terlihat berantakan dan tidak profesional.

Jika Anda menggunakan dua jenis transisi yang berbeda, gunakan salah satu transisi untuk slide deck utama dan transisi kedua untuk menempatkan penekanan ekstra pada konten penting atau kunci.

Powerpoint 2010 adalah alat yang ampuh untuk meningkatkan kejelasan, gaya dan profesionalisme presentasi Anda. Hanya membutuhkan waktu beberapa klik untuk menambah energi dan semangat untuk presentasi jika kering.

Simple Alarm Clock using Visual Basic.Net

In this tutorial, we're going to create a simple alarm clock. This alarm clock can be used to wake a person in at a specific time. To start with this application, open visual basic and create a new project and name it as “Alarm Clock”. The application when finished, it looks like as shown below.
Next, add five labels,and name the label1 as “lblcurtime” and label2 as “lblstatus” then,set the text property of the other label as “Current Time”, “Alarm Time” and “Message”. Add a Datetimpicker, then set it into “Time” format. Then add a textbox and a Button, after this rename the textbox1 as “txtmsg” and the button1 as “btnsetalarm”. And lastly add two timer.
This time, we will add functionality to our application. First double click the “timer1” and add the following code:
This code will simply check if the current settings of DateTimePicker1 match the Time of the day and the time is based on your local machine. So if match, it performs the following statements.
  1. Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
  2. If TimeOfDay = DateTimePicker1.Text Then
  3. 'This will instantinize a new "voice" for this app to speak through
  4. Dim voice = CreateObject("SAPI.spvoice")
  5. 'what the content of txtmsg will be passed to voice.speak
  7. voice.speak(TextBox1.Text)
  8. lblstatus.Text = "Status:Alarm is not set!"
  9. End If
  11. End Sub
Then, double click the “timer2” and add the following code:
This will display the current time based on the local machine.
  1. lblcurtime.Text = TimeOfDay
Next on the “form1_load” add the following code:
  1. Timer2.Enabled = True
And finally on the “btnsetalarm” button add the following code:
It enables the timer1 and set the alarm clock.

Timer1.Enabled = True
lblstatus.Text = "Status:Alarm is set!"
This time you can now try testing your program by pressing “F5”.