Watch A Movie Created with Command Prompt

Last night i was cleaning Junk from my PC. Because .. I test lots of freewares to find out best freeware programs for my needs. Then i found found some Command Prompt tricks i collected few years ago. This trick are Old but still.. If you want to have some fun with command prompt , here is some…
Watch A Movie Created with Command Prompt
command prompt movie Some Command Prompt Tricks
Command prompts movie..!! amazing Creation. But you need active internet connection to enjoy this movie. It’s a star wars movie. Here is how to watch this movie :
1. Go to Start > Run and type in cmd
2. You will see the command prompt window . Now type in this command line.
And hit Enter. Now enjoy the Star wars Movie.
Shutdown PC On your LAN Network
remote shutdown Some Command Prompt Tricks
Remote Shutdown
This trick will shutdown a selected pc from Your LAN network. You can apply this trick in your office or school.. but i take no responsibilities fro any action. Its just for fun. Here is how to use this trick :
1. Go to Start > Run and type in cmd
2. You will see the command prompt window . Now type in this command line.
shutdown.exe -i
And hit Enter. You will see remote shutdown Window. If you know someone’s IP on a computer in your Local Area network, type in their IP Address after clicking the add button.
3. After entering the IP Address click OK . Now watch the person’s face as their computer shuts down.
Some users have asked me that they got Access Denied error for remote shutdown.  Add the user with the privilege to force a remote shutdown on the computer you are about to Shutdown.To do this go to control panel > Administrative Tools > Local Security Settings. Now go to Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment. Double-click on Force shutdown from a remote system in the right pane and Click on Add User or Group. Add the computer that runs the remote shutdown command.

Or you can do this go the computer you are about to Shutdown
a) Go to Start > Run > type in Regedit in the dialog box and hit enter
b) Go to My Computer/HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /system/currentcontrolset/control/lsa
c) Find “forceguest” in the right pane Double click on it to modify This entry change the value from “1″ entry to “0″
Some Other Fun on Command Prompt
At first start  command prompt from Start > Run,  the type in cmd click on  OK and enter the following command:
title your Custom Message
Here your Custom Message indicates any message. Then hit Enter check out the title bar of
the command window. Just a cheap little trick…
Here is another.. Run command prompt and type in
prompt whatever you want it say
For example if you type prompt hello your c: prompt will change to hello
That’s all for now Have fun and enjoy..

How to make admin page with database

#0: Strategy Used behind the Login System:

Here we shall use 5 files for making the whole system.file structure
  • config.php: The main file for holding the information related to the admin MySQL table. We shall discuss in brief how to create the table. For information do check the MySQL posts.
  • admin.php: For administrative functions. It will redirect to login.php if not authorized already;
  • login.php: A webpage for displaying form of login. It will submit the form to check_login.phpwhere it will be processed further;
  • check_login.php: A PHP script to check the login details from the MySQL Table. If successfully matched, then it will register the Session, else will redirect back to the login.php file with error message;
  • logout.php: It will delete the session, and will redirect back to login.php file with success message;

#1: Setting up the MySQL Table:

We shall use a MySQL table like this for storing administrator information:
Basically we shall encrypt the password inside the table. Just for the demonstration I have showed the passwords above…
Now create a Database and inside it create a table login_admin with the following MySQL query command:
CREATE TABLE login_admin
user_name VARCHAR(100),
user_pass VARCHAR(200),
Now insert the two user information inside the table with the following command:

INSERT INTO login_admin (user_name, user_pass)
‘swashata’, SHA(‘swashata’)
INSERT INTO login_admin (user_name, user_pass)
‘admin’, SHA(‘admin’)

Now your MySQL table is ready for use!

#2: Setting up the config.php file:

As mentioned before, it just contains all the necessary MySQL Database connection information. Here is the code for this file:

 *Contains all the basic Configuration
 *dbHost = Host of your MySQL DataBase Server... Usually it is localhost
 *dbUser = Username of your DataBase
 *dbPass = Password of your DataBase
 *dbName = Name of your DataBase
$dbHost = 'localhost';
$dbUser = 'Data Base User Name';
$dbPass = 'Data Base Password';
$dbName = 'Data Base Name';
$dbC = mysqli_connect($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPass, $dbName)
        or die('Error Connecting to MySQL DataBase');
Just save this file with the above codes.